Be Cautious NOT Scared While Traveling.

Of course traveling anywhere, whether it be over-seas, in the US or through Latin-America will come with a certain amount of uncertainty. Getting ready for a trip no matter how big or small will usually come with some anxiety. So keep in mind  to stay cautious NOT fearful.

Being cautious is 100% a-okay. In fact, it wold be foolish not to be. It is rational, reasonable and down right necessary to stay alert and aware of your surroundings. It will help cut out unwanted errors while traveling. Like accidentally leaving your brand new iphone on the bus, or turning down the wrong street at night after having 1 to many margaritas. There are lots of things to be cautious about. Traveling on the airplane and through airports with all kinds of new people. Maybe you are on a road trip and have to stop for gas (and snacks, obviously) late at night. Maybe you are in a foreign country, have to find the bus stop and can’t speak the language. All times to remain cautious, but not scared.

Being scared on the other hand hinders your ability to be 100% present and enjoy what is happening NOW. Being fearful that you MIGHT get lost or that you MIGHT order a bowl of socks when you really meant a bowl of soup (yes, I have done that) will keep you from living in the moment and getting the most out of your travels. Traveling is about the experience, the memories, the lessons you will learn –and obviously the amazing pictures you will take. Being SCARED will not allow you or your mind to absorb all of the awesome things you will be doing. Meeting new people, seeing new places and trying new things are all part of traveling and are all things to potentially be scared of. YOU have to make the choice to always listen to your intuition but LET GO of the fear. It will change your travels drastically.

“I’ll tell you what freedom is. No Fear” – Nina Simone